• Safety & Security 

      • Our vehicles are specially designed 2014 model Mercedes cdi
      • 3- Point seat belts are located in all of our seats
      • In case of emergency brake, there is a special baggage with special material between your luggage and seats, which will help your luggage stay in its place during an emergency break
      • Seats are available for all age groups of children
      • To ensure that our vehicles are driven within the legal speed limits, they are continuously monitored by GPS system
      • Passengers who travel in our vehicles have personal accident insurance and seat insurance

      Comfortable Travel

      • More distance has been left between seats by decreasing the number of seats in our Bizim Transfer vehicles
      • Our seats are adjustable to backwards and sides so that passengers have a rest during the journey
      • There is free 3G internet in our vehicles in order to make passengers’ journey more enjoyable
      • There are power sockets in the vehicle for our passengers to charge their mobile phones. Extra Charger is given to passengers who do not have their own charger
      • Passengers are informed visually and auditory in three languages from the beginning of journey
      • Free complimentary drink service is offered during the journey

      If you are not satisfied, you are paid back

      • Guest satisfaction has a great importance for a sustainable management of our company. Therefore, passengers’ expectation and satisfaction is very important for us to offer qualified and excellent service. In this regard, the satisfaction levels of our guests travelling with us is closely monitored and the unsatisfied customers are paid back
      • The satisfaction rate of our guests who travel with us is 100 per cent.100% of our guests who travel with us recommend and prefer us again
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